Sacramento MBDA Export Center/California Asian Pacific Chamber of Commerce teamed up with the California Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development (Go-Biz), Asian Development Bank (ADB), and U.S. Commercial Service to present California businesses a live webinar series to learn about Asian Development Bank (ADB) programs and resources that will help businesses to bid and win global contracts across various industries.
The webinar series continued with Asian Development Bank Contracting Opportunities Webinar – Energy & Transport, where Jason M. Chung, U.S. Executive Director of Asian Development Bank provided welcome remarks, followed by Maye Saephanh, Interim VP of Global and Domestic Programs at the CalAsian Chamber, and Max Oltersdorf, Deputy Director of International Trade and Affairs at California Go-Biz. Rustam A. Abdukayumov, Director, Procurement Division 2 from Asian Development Bank also provided introductory remarks by sharing an overview of ADB opportunities for U.S. businesses and their most recent activities in response to COVID-19.
The first presenter, Dr. Yongping Zhai, Chief of Transport Sector Group, SDCC, presented an overview of the trends and business opportunities within the ADB Energy Sector. Topics discussed include Energy Access, Energy Mix and Cos Emissions in Developing Asia, ADB Energy Sector Operations: Guiding Principles, Energy Sector Lending 2009-2019, Energy Sector Pipeline 2020-2022, and Opportunities for Developing Asia in the Clean Energy Transition.

Following Dr. Zhai, James Leather, Chief of Transport Sector Group, SDCC, provided a visually engaging presentation of business opportunities in the ADB Transport Sector. Topics discussed include Transport Sector Portfolio: Transport Investments by Subsector 1990-2022, Evolving demands from ADB clients, incorporating new technologies and uses, increased attention to private sector support, and broader use of financial services to meet demands.
The final speaker, Glen Harris, Senior Procurement Specialist, PPFD, provided an in-depth presentation of the procurement bidding processes for U.S. businesses. In sharing his procurement contracting background, Mr. Harris reassured the attendees that ADB processes are fair for all companies to bid and dived into the details of ‘what to do’ and ‘what not to do’. Topics discussed include Types of Business Opportunities, ADB Portfolio Breakdown, Top-performing countries and suppliers within each type of opportunity, the Procurement Framework, and useful tips and links to help U.S. companies bid for ADB contracts.
Following the informative presentations by ADB, the webinar moderator, Saori Choulos, International Business Account Manager of the Sacramento MBDA Export Center, led the group through an engaging discussion of both pre-submitted, and live, questions from the global audience in attendance. Countries represented include U.S.A, Philippines, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Canada, and Japan.
Please review the webinar recording below and reach out to the Sacramento MBDA Export Center for questions and resources.
Webinar Recording
Webinar Recording Timestamps:
- Welcome Remarks (00:00)
- ADB Business Opportunities: Project Pipelines – Energy Sector (15:50)
- ADB Business Opportunities: Project Pipelines – Transport Sector (43:20)
- Doing Business with ADB and the ADB Procurement System (01:06:17)
- Q&A (01:31:38)

Contact the Sacramento MBDA Export Center for more resources or dedicated assistance.